Studio ceiling detail
Artwork by Stardog23
1:00 pm - 9:00 pm
I appreciate the time you give me to bring your tattoo to life. Micro-realism tattoos can take a lot of time to complete due to the technique, detail and precision required. It will take between 5 to 9 hours to complete your tattoo due to the needles I use and the delicateness required to use them. I only use a 3 Round Liner and 1 Round Liner which are the smallest needle groupings available. A key benefit of using such fine needles is that they give your tattoo a highly refined sharpness and is what, when done right, gives your micro realism tattoo its longevity. In addition, by being delicate, I’m able to build up your tattoo in multiple layers of nuanced tones of grey which is where the magic happens. This is done to ensure the least amount of damage to your dermis in order to provide for the best healing possible.
During the session, there will be periodic 5 minute breaks as well as a longer meal break. Your comfort during the tattoo procedure is paramount and I have designed your seating space to have everything you need within reach. I want that you are completely at ease. As a private studio, the space is all yours! If you would like to bring a guest they are welcome in the studio on arrival but I ask that they wait in the lobby during the tattoo procedure. During the tattooing process I like to play Smooth FM in the background and be 100% focused on giving you my best while you relax in comfort fighting falling asleep ;) .
Please feel free to bring snacks and food with you. It will be important as your tattoo will take time to complete. I recommend you bring your favorite snacks and savories along with a sandwich and drink. Also available are snack machines and a hot drinks machine just outside the studio.
Booking your appointment is a defining moment in the realization of your micro-realism tattoo. From that point forward I will begin work on your design and through a collaborative process we will crystallize your vision into a work of art. Your deposit will serve as confirmation of your appointment booking. Please note that it is non-refundable and is included in the total cost of your tattoo. As an example, if your tattoo quote is £1,000 and your deposit is £250, the remaining balance of £750 is what will be paid at your tattoo appointment.
Skin Care
The healthier your skin, the better it will receive the ink. That is why I ask that you prepare your skin at least two weeks prior to your appointment. If you already have a skin care routine and your skin is well moisturized, you are all set. Absent a skin care routine, I have a wash/moisturizer that I recommend in my aftercare guide. Not only can you use it to wash and clean your healing tattoo, it can also be used daily prior to your appointment to moisturize and hydrate your skin.
Advanced Notice Requested
Things happen. Please don’t fret if you have to reschedule your appointment. If you can, the more advanced notice you give me, the better I can accommodate you. Your rescheduled date will be dependent on my nearest availability and I will do my best to reschedule your appointment at the earliest date possible and on your preferred day.